While planning for a party a very important thing is what to serve. A lot of time, energy and thinking goes in deciding the menu. It has to be according to guests and the occasion and also important thing is the availability of ingredients in the market. For me it is a very big issue because I am not good at making choices and that to for other people is a very big task for me. So if I put in so much effort in deciding the menu and then cooking those dishes then I always make a point of making a menu and also giving some different names to my dishes. This makes a very nice impact on guest and the party will also have a long stay in their memory lane as they would have put in a little effort on reading the names of dishes they are being served. Recently in a party at my home I made the following menu card.
Here the paper I have used is A4 compuetr sheets as the invitees were family members only.
You can use better quality papers and for a more beautiful presentation you can use papers that match your table cover,mine is transparent that's why I have used white.
The above menu card is very easy to make
You need...'Paper, scissor, sketch pens.
1. Choose a paper that matches your table cloth
2. Fold it in half.
3. Draw a spoon, plate and knife on the two overlapping halves so that when you open the card the figure reappears.
4. Cut the front cover as shown in second figure(Cut from middle outlining the plate and fork & spoon.)
5. You can colour your spoon,plate and fork like mine or you can also paste these utensils cutouts from papers that matches your crockery.
6. Now on the front plate you can write MENU CARD or some interesting lines that you and your family speaks before any meal or when you call someone for meal in your native language or like the ones I have used "Served fresh with love".
7. On the inner plate write your menu . All the dishes in the order they would be served. Don't forget to give new innovative names to your dishes.
What was on my MENU CARD..
Starting with....Veggies loaded hot & sour soup
Cheese pocket with roasted capsi dip
Salad roll
Orange Punch
Hongkong veggie delight
spinach, corn & paneer rice
Hot gulab jamuns with vanilla cake.
I made everyone on the table read their menu card before eating any of the dishes.. Well it was kind of fun as they having a hard time in reading these long names and then by praising for the dishes in which they again had to repeat those names.
I found it very nice during small family gatherings as everyone is connected to the whole process and also gives a personal touch.
You can use the above figures as the template to make your menu card. You can search the net for different styles of crockery on net and use the outlines the make them on your card.