Thursday, 12 September 2013

Phone back cover transformation: Bland to Doodles I am going to write about a DIY craft which I did on my phone cover yesterday to make it more attractive without spending money as usual me being such a miser....
I have a Samsung phone with which came a back cover which is transparent, plain and colorless. with time it got dirty also. So I did a little bit of doodling on it which was nice but I destroyed the nice effect by coloring the back with dark colors which took away the nice effect. It is actually a failed effort but what I can tell you are some tips to make it working without spending much money.. :-)
So heres what I did and it would be followed with tips....
Step 1: Draw doodles on your plain back cover with permanent marker or else color will bleed into your hands later.I had black only in my store so its all black doodle.
TIP 1:  Try using sharp tip pen to make design more clear .
TIP 2: Using colorful markers would definitely add more dimension to the cover.
TIP 3: You can make personalized doodles. I am from tourism industry so mine says TRAVEL....
Step 2: Now with color that will stay on plastic , color the inner side of the cover. Now my disaster is that light and bright colors that I had were all dried up so I had to paint in dark colors but the overall effect was very dark as the colors hid the doodles and they were not clearly visible.
TIP 4: Use bright and light colours to paint.
Step 3: Cut a white paper which will fit inside your cover. Cut the various holes for camera and LED and insert the paper in the cover and put the cover on the phone. Transformation complete...
TIP 5: Dont forget the paper or else the colors may adhere to your phone too.
This type of transformation can be done on white phones and as the permanent marker can be easily removed with thinner or acetone so there is no worry of going wrong. This transformation is a good option for someone who wants a personalized touch for their phone and someone like me who wanted a new cover...

This is my final phone cover transformation. I removed all the coloring because my doodles were no where to be seen. Its kinda okay for me and next time I will follow from my tips as mistakes make us more experienced. :-)

Monday, 4 March 2013

DIY wall art

From a simple printout to a beautiful wall art....

Hello everyone . This cold here has not allowed me to do anything crafty and that's why I was not able to upload anything. I know this is no reason for my laziness ..:-)
So a house warming party at my friend's place has forced me to do something and fight my laziness... Thank god she moved to new house. For her house warming I wanted to give her something which I would make myself so that the care and love spreads to her new home. I really like gifts that people make themselves as it shows that the sender cares and has taken pains to gift u something. The economic value doesn't matter. So this I always apply when I gift something to my near & dear ones.
So for her I made a wall hanging with the famous quote of "Eat, Drink & be merry".
I made this from a simple black & white print out as I wanted to colour it myself to give a feel of handmade.
So if u want to make this for gifting or for personal decor things u would need are
  • A printout of your favourite quote, picture or anything that you would want to display
  • Colours(I used water colours)
  • Paint brush
  • Cardboard
  • 4 strips of cloth
  • Glue
  • Scissor or cutter
  • Ruler
  • Needle & thread(matching to cloth strips)
  • Transparency sheet
  • Some sparkles(optional)
  • Embroidery thread.(optional)
Lets Start
1. If your object to be framed is already coloured than u can skip this step. But as mine is black & white so I coloured it and also the background. 
2. Add some detailing. This is optional as mine looked too simple so I did some straight stitch on one alphabet of each word and also added some sparkle.

3. Once your framing object is perfect to be displayed paste it on the piece of cardboard bigger than the size of paper. You need to leave space on all sides and it has to be same. As I am big recycling supporter I have used a old box in which my hand blender came. U can find the name of company also. Ohhh am I advertising it, I need payment for that :-).
4. Now from the left over card board cut strips that could overlap the left space on the base of photo.Cut the strips diagonally at the ends so that they fit together.
 5. Take strips of cloth and cover these cardboard pieces with them using glue.

 6. Now put a transparent sheet on the base and align these fabric covered side sticks on all four sides. hold it tightly and with matching colour thread sew along the sides so that the whole thing stays together.
7. Now on the back side place a hoop of strong thread at top side and paste a black paper all over it to cover the thread.
8. Give the final touch by cutting any extra paper and thread and you have your master piece.
So now you home made frame is ready and it is waiting to be on the wall... In this way you can frame anything be it your favourite quote(just colour print will make the work easy) or any photo using some old leftover fabric and cardboard of something you recently shopped( shoeboxes...ohh gives another reason for shopping :-)...
Take care